EAMC Code of Conduct

EAMC Code of Conduct - November 2023

The Code of Conduct outlines how we as a club and you as a member, commit to contributing positively to the enjoyment of old motorcycles, the club community and the longevity of our common interest in building, restoring, maintaining and riding early American motorcycles. We strive to be a strong and supportive club, which assists and encourages current and potential members to enjoy their motorcycling, and embraces the diversity of members and bikes which choose to share our interest and passion. The conduct we strive to embrace includes:

Club - EAMC

Supporting Members

Motorcycle Community

Club Image

The image of the club is important to us and how we are seen in public, on rides and at venues will contribute directly to the perception of the club and the ongoing participation of potential, new and existing members. You are responsible for this image.