EAMC Code of Conduct
EAMC Code of Conduct - November 2023
The Code of Conduct outlines how we as a club and you as a member, commit to contributing positively to the enjoyment of old motorcycles, the club community and the longevity of our common interest in building, restoring, maintaining and riding early American motorcycles. We strive to be a strong and supportive club, which assists and encourages current and potential members to enjoy their motorcycling, and embraces the diversity of members and bikes which choose to share our interest and passion. The conduct we strive to embrace includes:
Club - EAMC
We commit to supporting the club when ever possible by atending events and/or meetings.
We will contribute positively to the operation of the club in what ever way we are able, and will provide constructive ideas, suggestions and support for the ongoing running of the club and the quality of events it runs.
We will try to run or share the running of at least one event each year.
We will consider nominating for a club position which matches my interest, skills and time availability.
We will provide an inclusive and supportive club environment which doesn’t discriminate against members or potential members on the basis of their personal, sexual or motorcycling orientation, nationality or their gender.
To reflect our support and appreciation of the club and event organisers, we will strive to reply to email requests regarding our atendance at events, and other maters within one week.
Supporting Members
We will show other members respect and support, and will assist them where and in what ever way we can.
We will aim to participate in EAMC club events where/when you can, either as a rider, or back-up driver, or by bringing older members along to observe events.
We will be welcoming of current, new and potential new members. This includes remembering their name and the bike they ride.
We will actively discourage the criticism of fellow members and will encourage members to resolve maters unrelated to the club, outside the operation of club events/meetings.
Motorcycle Community
We will seek to form constructive and ongoing relationships with like-minded old motorcycling clubs, while allowing clubs to retain their own identity.
We will seek to participate in and support joint events with like-minded old motorcycling clubs.
Club Image
The image of the club is important to us and how we are seen in public, on rides and at venues will contribute directly to the perception of the club and the ongoing participation of potential, new and existing members. You are responsible for this image.
We will commit to riding only roadworthy bikes on events, and where possible will atend on a club eligible old bike.
We commit to riding in a manner that complies with the road rules, and community expectations while on club events. This includes (but is not limited to) being courteous to other road users, staying within the speed limit and indicating when changing direction.
We commit to not using alcohol or other drugs in any public place (other than a licensed venue) while participating in a club event.
We commit to minimising the use of offence language in venues/places where members of the public can observe us.